Established in 1968, the Brazil Philatelic Association (BPA) explores all aspects of Brazilian philately. It has published more than 200 issues of its quarterly journal, Bull’s Eyes, since becoming an active affiliate of the American Philatelic Society in 1970.
We Are Back!
After a hiatus of a few years following the passing of longtime Editor and stalwart Bill Kriebel, a plucky group of BPA members has committed to revitalizing our association.
We plan to start with bi-monthly Zoom calls with members presenting on interesting aspects of Brazil philately, and we hope to expand our activities from there. We are also supporting an effort by the American Philatelic Society to digitize the more than 200 issues of our association newsletter, Bull’s Eyes, published during 1970-2020.
Please register now if you are interested in joining the association and/or participating in our Zoom calls. We plan to waive the membership fee for 2025.
We ask that returning members also register to ensure we have your current contact information.
About Us
Find out about our history, mission, and contact information.
Join now! We are waiving the membership fee in 2025.
Learn about our quarterly journal, Bull's Eyes, and find information
about books on Brazil philately published by BPA and its members.
Read sample articles from Bull's Eyes
and other articles about Brazil philately by BPA members.
Events and
Find out about upcoming stamp shows and our program to promote stamp collecting among youth.